
Our Story

BatterylessLab is a website featuring the latest research in the field of low-power embedded systems. More specifically, it showcases the novel methods and application scenarios for batteryless sensing systems as developed in the academic research envisioned by Andres Gomez.

At Batteryless Lab we believe that technology has the power to change the world that is why we aspire to pioneer the next generation of sensing systems with enhanced functionality and a low ecological footprint. Sensors enhance our capability to observe and report on the world around us. While thinking big, you need to build small.


The work featured on this website has been developed over several years at different research institutes and companies. This research has been carried out by multiple researchers and students. Below is a non-exhaustive list of researchers and students who have participated in projects featured on this website.

Researchers: A Gomez, L Sigrist, M Magno, R Ahmed, L Benini, L Thiele.

Engineers: A Blanco, T Schalch, M Leubin, S Lippuner, S Benninger, P Sanmugarajah, O Brunecker, P Anagnostou, S Schweizer, S Uyan.

Organizations: ETH Zurich, Miromico AG, University of St.Gallen

Several of these research projects have also been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the University of St.Gallen.

Contact Us

Are you a technology company looking to integrate our batteryless technologies into your products? we would be delighted to talk to you!

If you are a highly motivated student searching for a thesis project in the areas of low-power embedded systems, please contact us.

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